Saturday, January 8, 2011
Monday, June 14, 2010
Saturday, February 21, 2009

I woke up at 12 today. Lately, my bedtime routine has been disrupted. It seems that I have to sleep on time.
I got a called from Leen, asking to company Lan to do some shopping. Yeah,sure no problem. He needs a new shirt to go to his friend's wedding tonight. I meet him at The Curve. After shopping, Lan ask to choose a place to eat, either Warong Penyet or Bubba Gump.
So, we chose Bubba Gump because we think that the price are not so expensive. While waiting for the food,the waiter asked us some questions relating to the Forest Gump movie. So easy ma! We managed to answer all the questions. Hehe..but the last question was a bit tricky. Would you like to know what the question was? Hee not gonna tell you. You can go to Bubba Gump Shrimp Company at The Curve to know the answer. I recommend the place, two thumbs up! Nice place and good food.
Then later, me and Leen went to catch a movie title "New In Town".
I got a called from Leen, asking to company Lan to do some shopping. Yeah,sure no problem. He needs a new shirt to go to his friend's wedding tonight. I meet him at The Curve. After shopping, Lan ask to choose a place to eat, either Warong Penyet or Bubba Gump.
So, we chose Bubba Gump because we think that the price are not so expensive. While waiting for the food,the waiter asked us some questions relating to the Forest Gump movie. So easy ma! We managed to answer all the questions. Hehe..but the last question was a bit tricky. Would you like to know what the question was? Hee not gonna tell you. You can go to Bubba Gump Shrimp Company at The Curve to know the answer. I recommend the place, two thumbs up! Nice place and good food.

"It's about Lucy Hill (Renee Zellwenger) is an ambitious, up and coming executive living in Miami. She loves her shoes, she loves her cars and she loves climbing the coporate ladder. When she is offered a temporary assignment - in the middle of nowhere - to restructure a manufacturing plant, she jumps at the opprtunity, knowing that a big promotion is close at hand. What begins as a straightforward job assignment becomes a life changing experience as Lucy discovers greater meaning in her life and most unexpectedly, the man of her dreams (Harry Connick Jr.) - Source: Cinema Online
It has a simple storyline and it was enjoyable. Don't believe it? Just wait for a couple of weeks, and then download it at warez-bb. Haha..Please don't do that ok. No pirate and no copy ok! Peace!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sebenarnya bukanlah plan sangat nak pergi pun, tapi da last minute dapat tiket kita orang pergi jer la. Credit to Lan sebab dia dapatkan tiket dia pulak yang tak join. So, kami bertiga jer la yang memeriahkan majlis..Pokku, Leen and aku la. Kita orang tunggu Pokku di Stesen Sentul Timur,depan jer dengan rumah aku. So about 5 we all da gerak ke sana. Parking time tu macam banyak dad dipenuhi. Tapi nasib baik la ada parking untuk kita orang, bawah pokok sebelah simpang tiga.
Depan pintu masuk stadium penuh dengan orang, ada live telecast la pulak...Hot FM. Cuaca pulak seakan-akan panas kadang-kadang berangin. Hmmmm... heeee. Kita orang lepak la dulu kat luar tu..lama lagi la gate nak bukak..7 malam baru dia bukak. So, for the time being, kami ke food court,pekena neslo ice.
Lagi setengah jam, kami pun pergi la beratur. Tengkok semua orang da beratur panjang. Kan nanti lagi panjang la pulak. So, berdiri la kat situ sampai kul 7.
Time nak mengorak langkah ker pintu masuk, budak-budak yang tak bermoral pulak potong que..cis! apa lagi, terdengar la suara-suara kemarahan,termasuk la kita orang. Punylah susah nak masuk. Pintu sebelah jer yang bukak. Camera pulak tak leh bawak masuk. Tapi aku pandai-pandai la, aku buat bodo jer terus jalan masuk. So lepas la. Tapi nak bukak camera kat dalam macam takut la jugak..mata-mata ramai la pulak. adoii.
Kami duduk di bahagian tengah atas sekali. Leen lak dah gayat da. Heee.
Acara start kul 9.00 mlm. Rata-rata yang masuk final ni semua lagu-lagu yang hebat. tapi yang kureng farah wahida dan aiman la. Yang lain memang best ar. Yang best mesti la faizal tahir. huhuhu..tapi tak kurang jugak Meet Uncle Hussain. Hebats!
So, pada malam tu..pemenang nya adalah Meet Uncle Hussain dengan menjuarai Lagu Terbaik.
After the show, we went to Pelita Bangsar. Get some food. Lapar dowh. About 2 then baru kita orang gerak balik. Leen sent us back, Pokku overnight at my place.
Well,insyaAllah tak mao datang da, unless dapat tiket VIP ker. So, Pokku..make sure your friend from tu get us the tickets ok. Heeee..
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sorry for late update
Kayizhar Impressions
Thank you for still reading my blog. And sorry for been waiting you guys so long for a new update. I'm quiet busy with some stuffs and will update bit by bit. I'll try my best to deliver you guys new stories each day or on weekends. Thank you again for supporting my blog.
Kayizhar Impressions
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Winner

Yeayyy!!! I won the contest. They are 3 winning photos from 19th Oct session. One of them is me! Hehehe.. I just checked the forum early this morning. By evening i called John and met him at Mid Valley to collect the reward. But its just a small present. Its a Sony Alpha photography book and a normal sling bag. It's ok lah. Anyway, I appreciate that. Thanks John! Here is the photo I shot.
Monday, October 27, 2008

First of all, Happy Deepavali. Actually my good friend from Samad School,PJ invited me 2 weeks before to go to his open house this coming Deepavali, which is today la. This is about 3rd or 4th times he invited me to his house for Deepavali. So, seems I'm not going anywhere today, I ask
ed Leen to accompany me.
We arrived to his house about 4.30 p.m. My Samadian already there. Oh My God, I never seen them almost 8 years. There are Andrew Chiew, Eu Sze King and Brian Lim. They are not changed. Sze King still with his babyface and Brian Lim, the
shy guy and Andrew Chiew which is talkative guy. Hehehe. Saravanan still the same la. I've seen him before last 2 years. Damn, we laughed together with all jokes. Hohoho..
Oh, we ate so much food. Got 'ayam goreng, kari ikan, kari ayam, sotong, udang, kari
daging kambing, putu mayam, nasi briyani, sayur and ayam masak pedas'. We taste all the kari-an. Owh, we ate on banana leaf. I never try yhis before. Hehehe. The 'waiter 'also so rajin help me with all his kari-an. Hahaha...sorry bro!
After makan-makan, we took some pictures for our memory..huhuhu. So you guys, please check your facebook tonight ok.

We arrived to his house about 4.30 p.m. My Samadian already there. Oh My God, I never seen them almost 8 years. There are Andrew Chiew, Eu Sze King and Brian Lim. They are not changed. Sze King still with his babyface and Brian Lim, the

Oh, we ate so much food. Got 'ayam goreng, kari ikan, kari ayam, sotong, udang, kari

After makan-makan, we took some pictures for our memory..huhuhu. So you guys, please check your facebook tonight ok.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Ruzleen's Mom - 26.10.08
Today is Leen's mom birthday. We want to make a surprise party for her. Not so surprise la. But can la kan. So, last night we went to Digital Mall in Section 14,PJ and bought her a new 3G hand phone..Nokia 3210c. After we came back from Ikea (bought a boxes), we were looking for a cake. We bought at Bread Story near at Leen's house. It was a blueberry cake. Hope she like it. Then, we waiting for auntie coming back. When auntie coming in, we sang together Happy Birthday song. But, it's was a bit spoiled when we are not light the candles in time..nobody got a lighter. Hahaha. After 'potong-potong' the cake, Leen give her mom the present. Auntie very excited and terus open the box. Hohoho.. Then me and Leen help her mom to transfer all the phone numbers from old phone to the new one.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Aktiviti di bulan puasa hari ni kami pergi ke Jeti Pulau Duyong, Kuala Terengganu. Bersebelahan dengan Kelab Teluk Warisan. Uncle Mi nak main bot kat Sungai Terengganu ni. Penuh satu Innova. Hehehe.. S
ampai kat sana, terjadi la pulak tikaman lidah antara Uncle Mi dengan 'guard' kat situ. Kecoh la guard tu. Dia kata tak boleh main kat sini sebab pihak pengurusan tak benarkan. Well, Uncle Mi pun lawan la cakap dia...dia nak main jugak kat sini. Guard tu pun mengalah. Kasi jugak kita orang main and lepak kat sini. Alih-alih guard tu pun lepak sama ngan kita orang. Ceh.

Nak masukkan angin dalam bot tu pun amik masa la sikit. Pakai pam kaki. So, dah siap..bawak la budak-budak tu naik bot. Ala, situ-situ jer. Penumpang pertama Izal la ngan Nikon D80 dia lagi bawak naik bot. Hahaha. Aku tak naik la, malas
la..kalo jauh-jauh nak la jugak. Lagipun masa terhad. Dah petang dah..jap lagi nak berbuka puasa dah. Lain kali lah aku naik. Kita orang banyak amik shot kat jeti tu. Jeti baru. Bot nelayan pun ada park kat sini.

Nak masukkan angin dalam bot tu pun amik masa la sikit. Pakai pam kaki. So, dah siap..bawak la budak-budak tu naik bot. Ala, situ-situ jer. Penumpang pertama Izal la ngan Nikon D80 dia lagi bawak naik bot. Hahaha. Aku tak naik la, malas

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